Adding and Editing Faculty Directory Bio Pages

To understand the Faculty Directory ecosystem fully, please review Getting Started: Faculty Directory.

Faculty bio pages are manually created through the Cascade Content Management System (CMS) by trained individuals in each school. Please work with your school or college representative to make changes to the Faculty Directory.  

Adding a New Bio Page to the Faculty Directory

Step 1: Get access to Cascade CMS

If you are the designated updater of the Faculty Directory for your school or college, ensure that you have been trained and have access to the Cascade Content Management System. For base Cascade training, visit our Training and Support page. Once base Cascade training is completed, reach out to Ross Loehner at for specific Faculty Directory access. 

Step 2: Collect needed faculty information (before you are in Cascade)

Before entering the Cascade CMS, please gather the following information from your requesting faculty member:

  • Employee ID number (required) – this is the number that shows on their ID cards and is required to link their central account to the Faculty Directory.
  • Faculty Photos –  These images will be shown in two spaces: 
    • Small Bio Photo (headshot shown on faculty listing) – a photo is required for all faculty, full-time and lecturers (formerly known as adjuncts). It should be … 
      • Cropped to show the person from upper chest to head with a small amount of space above their head. Traditional headshot.*Sample below.
      • Sized exactly to 110 x 130 pixels
      • Saved as .jpg, .gif or .png format. No .bmp or .psd allowed. (see for sizing support)
      • Named lastname_firstInitial.jpg (e.g. thomas_m.jpg).  
      • Saved in Cascade in this location: 
        • Full-time should be loaded into the
          /our-faculty/files/small-photos/faculty folder
        • Lecturers should be loaded into the
          /our-faculty/files/small-photos/adjunct-faculty folder
    • Large Bio Photo (shown on bio page) – this photo is optional though highly recommended. It will be used on the individual bio pages and can be full-body or showing waist-up, with a musical instrument/tool, etc.  If a large photo is not available, the website will automatically use the headshot linked to the small photo field in their bio page, no need to link it manually. It should be …
      • Sized to 206 pixels in width, with whatever height desired.
      • Saved as .jpg, .gif or .png format. No .bmp or .psd allowed. (see for sizing support)
      • Named lastname_firstInitial.jpg (e.g. thomas_m.jpg.)
      • Saved in Cascade in this location:
        • Full-time should be loaded into the
          /our-faculty/files/larger-photos/faculty folder
        • Lecturers should be loaded into the
          /our-faculty/files/large-photos/adjunct-faculty folder
    • Faculty bio and contact information – this information can be added at any time after the initial creation, so you don’t need to collect it all in the beginning. To understand the various information options, visit Getting Started: Faculty Bio

*For the small photo (headshots) only, here are examples of the correct cropping so that they are uniform on the school listing pages, and so that when used in other applications such as Digital Signage, they are still acceptable:

Correct: Costello_E

Incorrect: Burgos_B

Incorrect: Barragan_V

Updating an existing photo?

Also, whenever replacing a photo with an updated version, the way to do that in Cascade is to locate the existing photo and click on it. Then, click the Edit tab. From there, use the Browse… button to locate the new photo on your computer.  Once selected, click OK.  Finally, click Submit, and then Submit again on the following screen, to commit the new photo into Cascade and have it automatically publish to the website (there is no workflow approval needed).

Step 3: Create the new faculty block (page) in Cascade

  1. Sign in to the Cascade CMS and located the “/our-faculty” folder within the site tree.
  2. Within that folder look for the “_template” block (first block in the list).
  3. Copy this file by either clicking the arrow next to the file name upon hover and choosing Copy, or by selecting the page itself and once in it, using the “Copy” tab.
  4. Rename the system name of the block from “_template” to the professor’s name following the naming convention and consistency of the other files in the folder, so “firstname-lastname”
  5. Submit the page.

Note: Once you submit, the new page block will be created in the /our-faculty folder located under the name you used. You can access the page by navigating to that block and pushing edit.  

Step 4: Further edit the page and connect the Faculty ID

For the page to full show up, you need to connect the faculty ID number. Follow these steps to add this information as well as other details.

  1. Navigate to the specific faculty block (page info) in the /our-faculty folder in Cascade
  2. Click on the faculty block and push edit
  3. Once in the dit mode, this is where it will prompt you to fill in your faculty member’s information.
    1. The first item is the 7-digit Employee ID number which will populate a lot of the information for the faculty members automatically, from Campus Solutions or other databases. This includes :
      1. Name
      2. Rank and Additional Title(s)
      3. Email
      4. Schools/Colleges and Departments they teach in
      5. Degrees (currently not displaying for adjuncts or lecturers)
      6. Scholarly Works – They are automated and imported from the Annual Faculty Report for full-time faculty, but not adjuncts or lecturers. This is a system run by the Provost’s office, specifically Eileen Besner who can be reached at . Faculty members access this system themselves to update their scholarly and creative works, and in there can tag which ones they want shown on the public Faculty Directory webpage. These updates cannot be  done within the Cascade CMS, nor should they be duplicated there.
  1. You will next have the option to fill out the other items on the page like:
    1. Link to the Large and Small Photos (which you preloaded into the appropriate “files” folder per guidelines above).
    2. Office Location — this is also used by the Directory template in Digital Signage
    3. Office hours
    4. Office phone
    5. Scholarly Works Listing (links and labels to scholarly work cataloging sites such as Digital Commons or Google Scholar)
    6. Bio (should be a summary or highlights, not a full resume)
    7. YouTube video ID (should only be to a faculty profile video generated through Panther Productions)
    8. and  links to pdf files for CV and/or document listing their publications. These are uploaded into appropriate “files” folder in Cascade eg /our-faculty/files/curriculum-vita/ or /our-faculty/files/publications/. Filename should contain faculty’s name John-Smith-CV.pdf.
  1. Once you are done, you submit the page as usual, and within the next few hours the faculty bio will appear on the live website. They auto-publish on a 4x/day schedule.

Editing a Faculty Member Page

  1. Sign in to the Cascade CMS and located the “our-faculty” folder within the site tree.
  2. Locate your faculty members name within the folder.
  3. Click on the desired page and click edit. You will see all the options you are able to edit. If there’s something on you bio page you cannot access, most likely this is being pulled another source (Campus Solutions or the Annual Faculty Report). See more detail in the Adding a faculty member section above.
  4. Once you are done, you submit the page as usual, and within the next few hours the faculty bio will appear on the live website. They run on a schedule once an hour.

If you have question about this process please contact Ross Loehner at