Please find a list of image dimensions for our Chapman platforms and common social media sites below.
You can use Adobe Express Image Tools to crop images to your desired dimensions. Adobe offers online applications such as Adobe Express for free. Express is a fast and easy tool for creating professional graphics, videos, flyers, collages, and much more with little to no prior experience. Your Chapman login should work to utilize the tool.
Please Note: We have decided to sunset, which served as our photo cropping tool in the past. With the viability and ease of use of tools like Adobe Express, upkeep for is no longer desired or needed.
Callout Box (3:2 Ratio / 600pxx 400px)
Callout Box (16:9 Ratio / 900pxx 506px)
Carousel (3:2 Ratio / 600pxx 400px)
Funnel 1up (5:3 Ratio / 200pxx 150px)
Grid – 1 and 4 Column Landscape (3:2 Ratio / 600px x400px)
Grid – 2 and 3 Column Landscape (16:9 Ratio / 900pxx 506px)
Grid – Portrait (4:5 Ratio / 480pxx 600px)
Grid – Square (1:1 Ratio / 600pxx 600px)
Headshots – Portrait (2:3 Ratio / 150pxx 225px)
Headshots – Square/Circle (1:1 Ratio / 300px × 300px)
Logo Rotator (1:1 Ratio / 300pxx 300px)
Masthead – Branded (3:1 Ratio / 780pxx 260px)
Masthead – Boxes (110:133 Ratio / 266pxx 220px)
Masthead – Slider (3:1 Ratio / 780pxx 440px)
Personnel Table – Portrait (2:3 Ratio / 150pxx 225px)
Personnel Table – Square/Circle (1:1 Ratio / 300pxx 300px)
Testimonial (1:1 Ratio / 600pxx 600px)
Text with CTA – Landscape (3:2 Ratio / 600pxx 400px)
Text with CTA – Square (1:1 Ratio / 300pxx 300px)
Description (Custom x206)
Masthead (980x 350) (Chapman Ticketing)
Event Logo (520 x 520 px)
Event Page Image (1200 x 400 px)
Blog Header (1680 x 275 px)
Large Featured (1200x 700 px)
Small Featured (740 x 410 px)
Digital Signage
Background (1920 x1080 px)
Foreground (912 x1080 px)
Faculty Directory
Small Thumbnail (110 x 130 px)
Profile Page Picture (210 x 247 px)
Masthead (3:2 Ratio / 600pxx 400px)
Landscape Photos (3:2 Ratio / 600pxx 400px)
Landscape Photos (16:9 Ratio / 900pxx 506px)
Square Photo (1:1 Ratio / 300pxx 300px)
Linked Image (1.91:1 Ratio / 1200pxx 630px)
Photo Post (1.91:1 Ratio / 1200pxx 630px)
Stories (16:9 Ratio / 1080pxx 1920px)
Video Post (16:9 Ratio / 1289pxx 720px)
Header (1500 x 500)
Profile (400 x 400)
Shared Photo (590 x 295)
Landscape (1.91:1 Ratio / 1080pxx Custom[566px to 1350px])
Portrait (1.91:1 Ratio / Custom [566px to 1350px] x 1080px)
Profile (1:1 Ratio / 110pxx 110px)
Square (1:1 Ratio / 1080pxx 1080px)
Stories (16:9 Ratio / 1080pxx 1920px)
Cover Photo (646 x 220)
Profile (200 x 200)
Shared Link (100 x 80)