All projects requiring assets for review and approval are submitted through Workfront proofing, which is part of SMC’s project management system. Please refer to the proofing cheat sheet outlined below when reviewing creative assets.
Workfront Proofing Process
Hello! So, you’ve submitted a project with SMC, discussed your vision with an SMC Project Manager or Stakeholder (“Project Owner”), shared the expected timeline, and provided any assets needed to accomplish this project, such as content and imagery! Now what?
Well, the SMC team has been working diligently to accomplish a first draft for your review.
- Please note, our internal team reviews and approves this draft prior to your review.
Now it is your turn…
Reviewing a Proof
Step 1
In your inbox you will receive an email from, sent from your project owner
- Please note, for the best experience, access this email from your desktop/laptop computer – not a phone.
- The email will include a link that will direct you to the proofing window, show a preview of the project, indicate the draft version and the deadline to review by, and show who is included in the proofing process.
Example of a Proof Email

Step 2
From this email, please click the blue “Go to proof” button. This will direct you to the proofing window mentioned above, which will look similar to the below screenshot:
Step 3
Here you will:
- Review all page(s) of your project by either scrolling or clicking on the page thumbnails in the left column.
- Leave any feedback and edits/changes by clicking “Add comment” in the top toolbar.
When this is active, you will need to indicate where the edit should be made within the proof. Do this using the secondary toolbar that opens when “Add comment” is clicked. (Hover over each icon to see a pop-up explaining what they do.)
Simultaneously, a field will open for you in the right panel to leave your comment/feedback
Step 4
Once you are finished reviewing and relaying all feedback, it is VERY important to indicate your decision on this draft.
Do so by clicking “Make decision” in the original top toolbar.
Please indicate if this proof is “Approved”, “Approved with Changes” or “Changes required”. Do not select “Not relevant”. This is an option for the internal SMC team only.
- “Approved” = Approved as is. Does NOT require an additional proof to be reviewed.
- “Approved with changes” = Approved under the condition that edits are implemented. Does not require an additional proof to be reviewed but the SMC team may do so depending on the complexity of the edit.
- “Changes required” = Requires edits to be made and an additional proof to be sent and reviewed.
- Making a decision will automatically notify your project owner that you are FINISHED reviewing and the project can proceed. IF A DECISION IS NOT MADE, this may delay the project’s timeline since the project owner will not be notified that you finished your review.
When the project owner is notified of the decision on the proof:
- If “Approved” – the project owner will finalize and package your project and provide final files** as discussed and requested.
- If “Approved with changes” – the project owner will review all edits, implement as needed*, finalize/package your project, and provide final files** as discussed and requested.
- If “Changes required” – the project owner will review all edits, implement changes as needed*, and upload a revised draft. The proofing process will then repeat until the project is approved.
Additional Notes
- *You will receive a notification via email when each of your comments/feedback is “resolved.” This indicates the designer is “checking off” the changes for the next draft (as needed.)
- **Digital collateral (pdfs) final files – Web Accessibility: If you have requested a final final as a pdf and it is to be shared digitally, either via email or uploaded online, Chapman University is required to submit it for web accessibility. This policy ensures your pdf is presented in such a manner that is accessible to all users, including individuals who have disabilities and/or use assistive technology to access such materials. More can be read about the policy, here.
- This process can take an additional 3-5 days of your project timeline to complete and costs $6 per page.
Once approved, TA-DAH! Your project is complete!